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Orders and Payment Info

When you order an event ticket, your name and email address will be recorded on our system.

You'll receive an email with your order confirmation and number.  

Upon arriving at the event, you'll simply be asked for your name and / or email address to gain access.

No physical tickets are sent in the mail.

Q. What forms of payment are acceptable?

A. We accept most major credits cards  via Paypal. We use PayPal for payments which encrypts your confidential data at the highest level commercially available.

Q. Do I need a PayPal account?

A. No, you are not required to have a PayPal account to purchase from this store although, if you already have a PayPal account, you may use it.

If there are any problems or you need to cancel your ticket(s) please contact us via the contact form on this site, or use Facebook:


Refund information:

Refunds requested by customers will be at our discretion. Should a full refund be agreed this would exclude a small amount to cover the transaction / booking fee.

Thank you,